Monday, October 31, 2011

.Benefits of Black Currant

The black currant are valuable medical plant for the therapeutic value of food and fruits, which contain an important complex of vitamins. List the therapeutic properties of black currant fruit came in the 18th century by the abbot of Montara Bailley, Dijon convent. He emphasized the wonderful tonic properties, taking into raisins as a cure to stay young.

fruit, leaves and buds of black currants have multiple effects on drugs and prevention of various diseases. Because it contains vitamin C, black currants are used in the treatment for heart disease, heart failure and stroke prevention, increase the resistance of the capillary fragility of red, lowers high blood pressure. In addition, weak peripheral circulation caused by menopause intensify, cleanse the blood of toxins, wastes and cholesterol.

Black currant as medical food beneficial for rheumatism, arthritis and gout. The plant stimulates digestion, stimulates liver function, pancreas, spleen and kidneys. Due to the nature of diuretics, the plant is useful for people who suffer from oliguria.

Be tough, the fruit will be useful against diarrhea and dysentery. Blackcurrants are also useful against fatigue and overwork. Food from the fruit, it is medical plant recommended for people in abundance, and lymphatic and women who suffer from circulatory disorders due to menopause.
black currant is recommended as a systemic anti-inflammatory agent with actions similar to natural cortisone, skin, severe allergies and chronic bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, and diabetic retinopathy. Outdoor use, this mixture of black currant fruit is used for the treatment of abscesses, dermatitis, eczema, insect bite or hit. Outbreaks of the mixture used in the nest.