Traditional: Sometimes cultivated for the needs of cooking, the leaves used for salads and as a condiment.
The buds are used against skin diseases. The tea from the flowers of cabbage is consumed as a stimulant and diuretic. It is also consumed for uterine bleeding.
The chemical composition of chervil
0.03% refined oil is methyl chavicol, fatty oils, bitter substances, vitamin B, C. Mineral salts, etc..
35.Benefits of Chicory
The chemical composition of substances in plants can be found as inulin, chicorine, choline, tannins, chicoric acids, amino acids, starch, protein, minerals and vitamins (B, C, K, P). The root of the herb contains the highest concetration of the elements above. Several studies have shown that inulin significantly reduced risk of colon cancer. Tannin acts as a powerful disinfectant tonic,, toxins, and lighting effects to the same antibiotics. It affects the impact of the gallbladder (with bile and increase the amount of fluid). Under the influence of bitter compounds, digestion and stimulate the drainage of the liver and spine. These compounds reduce hunger, but to stimulate satiety. In this sense, a brief wave of starvation followed by a significant reduction in hunger it showed. Chicory helps the body absorb calcium and other minerals better.
Because the effects of detoxification, such as cholagogue, anticatarralic and alkalizing mixture containing chicory effective drug in digestive problems, gastritis, liver disease, gallbladder problems, statistics, mild enterocolitis, intestinal parasites, and hemorrhoids. Due to the active compounds from plants, blood sugar more rapidly accumulates under the appearance of glycogen in the liver. This process causes the reduction of blood sugar and cholesterol reducing diabetes and arterial sclerosis. Other conditions treated by chicory are: acne, anemia, loss of appetite, heart problems, arthritis, fatigue, liver and gallbladder problems, liver congestion, spleen problems, depression, dermatitis, decreased bile secretion, headache, head, furunkulosis, goutiness, hepatitis, edema, jaundice, urinary tract infections, bladder, kidney failure, fatigue, fever swamp, intestinal parasites, rheumatism.