Sunday, November 20, 2011

the advantage medical plant Patikan Cina(Euphorbia thymifolia Linn.)

medical plant Patikan Cina is(Terna small creeping, sometimes half-erect, hairy, there is everywhere in the grass in the yard, around the field, the edge of the road in places slightly damp to a height of 1400 m above sea level. Stems and leaves are slightly reddish, when damaged, remove the sap. Finned leaves even, small, oval, sight, smell fragrant. Pink flowers.

PART THE APPLICABLE of this medical plant:
The whole plant, fresh or dried.

1. Bacillary dysentery, typhus abdominalis, enteritis, diarrhea.
2. Hemorrhoids erdarah.

15-30 grams dried or 30-60 grams of fresh, boiled, drinking.

EXTERNAL USE of the medical plant patikan cina are:
1. Eczema, allergic dermatitis (skin problems due to allergies), herpes zoster,
itching in the skin, abscesses, breast:
Make sure to taste fresh chinese boiled for washing. the sap,
dropped to spots on comea (micula).

2. Breast abscess:
Crushed fresh herbs, plus sugar palm, attached to the place

3. Herpes zoster:
1 handful of fresh herbs + 1 piece of garlic, crushed
then added cold water, attached to a hospital.

4. Eczema, dermatitis, skin itching, bleeding hemorrhoids:
Fresh herbs to taste boiled, wash.