Wednesday, November 16, 2011

the benefit of medical plant Jagung(Zea mays L.)

medical plants jagung have characteristic plant, erect, more or less 1.5 meters. Stem round, massive, unbranched, yellow or orange color. Single leaf, berpelepah, long round, tapered edge, flat edge, length of 35-100 cm, 3-12 cm wide, green color. Compound interest, monoecious, male and female flowers form of wheat, at the end of the rod and in the armpit leaves, the color white. Cob-shaped fruit, 8-20 cm long, yellowish green color.

Curable Disease of medical plant:
Typical Slightly sweet nature. Efficacy Antilitik, diuretics, and hypotension. RESEARCH Sukensri Hardianto, 1989. Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Gadjah Mada. effects of infusion has been doing research on young corn cobs solubility of calcium renal stones in vitro. From the results of these studies, it turns out:
1. Effect of infusion and potassium levels in the solution in soluble.
2. there are influence between infusion rate and the level of Y {alsium vang dissolved in solution.
3. Calcium kidney stones has the greatest solubility in the young corn cobs infusion with the 5% level. At higher levels of infusion decreased dissolution

PART USED of jagung medical plant
Hair and young cob

Hair or young cob:
1. Gallstones.
2. Kidney stones.
3. Shoal water on kidney inflammation.
4. Abdominal edema.
5. Hepatitis.
6. Diabetes.
7. Inflammation of the gall bladder.
8. Cirrhosis.
9. High blood