Wednesday, November 16, 2011
the benefit of medical plant Jamblang(Syzygium cumini [Linn. ] Skeels.)
Medical plant Jamblang classified as tropical fruit crops from Asia and Australia. Usually planted in the garden or growing wild, especially in teak forests. Jamblang grown in the lowlands to an altitude of 500 m asl. High-trunked trees are 10-20 m thick, grow crooked, and highly branched. Leaves single, thick, petiole 1 to 3.5 cm. Leaf blade width of rounded or elongated inverted ovoid, width of the base edge of a wedge-shaped, flat,bone pinnate, upper surface glossy, 7-16 cm, 5-9 cm wide, green color. Compound interest panicle with branches distant form, flower seat, grew up in the armpit and at the end of branching leaf, bell-shaped petals are light green, oval crown, stamens many, white, and smells wonderful. The fruit is a buni, oval, 2-3 cm, light green, dark purple red color when ripe. Single seed shape, oval, hard, white color. Rooted riding, branched, brown
Curable Disease: Meat tastes sweet and sour fruit, cool, strong astringent, aromatic smell. Efficacious organ lubricates lungs, stop coughing, peluruh urine (diuretic), peluruh fart (carminative), improves digestive disorders, stimulate saliva, and lowers blood glucose levels (hypoglycemic). Efficacious for menstrual peluruh Bark. The results showed the seeds, leaves and bark jamblang possess lower blood glucose levels (hypoglycemic effect) in patients with type II diabetes mellitus. Research in India get the result that the fruit jamblang potential as a male contraceptive drug. In animal experiments, jamblang can prevent the onset of cataracts due to diabetes. Jamblang also lowers the risk of atherosclerosis up to 60-90% in diabetics. This happens because the content of oleanolic acid on jamblang can suppress the role of free radicals in the formation of atherosclerosis.