Sunday, November 20, 2011

the advantage medical plant Pinang(Areca catechu L.)

medical plant pinang is generally planted in the yard, garden or cultivated, sometimes growing wild on the banks of rivers and other places, can be found 1-1400 m above sea level. Slender-trunked tree, grows upright, height 10-30 m, diameter 15-20 cm, branched with the former leaves off. Pinnate compound leaves grow together to form a rosette at the end of the shaft rod. Midrib leaf-shaped tube, length 80 cm, petiole short. 1 to 1.8 m long leaf blades, leaf child has a length of 85 cm, width 5 cm, with torn and toothed tip. Cob flower with a long sheath that easily fall out, get out from under the rosette of leaves, length about 75 cm, with multiple short-branched stems. There are female flowers at the base, above the male flowers are arranged in two rows much stuck in the groove.Propagation medical plant by seed.

Curable diseases medical plant:

delayed menstruation, ,
diphtheria, no appetite, constipation, hip pain, teeth and gums,

EFFECTS pharmacological of this medical plant: Seeds: Bitter, spicy, warm. Helminthic (Anthelmintic), peluruh fart (antiflatulent), peluruh menstruation, peluruh urine (diuretic), peluruh phlegm, improves digestion, pengelat (astringent), laxatives (laksan). Leaves: adder appetite. Coir: Warm, bitter. Circulation of energy, peluruh urine, purgative. CHEMISTRY CONTENT: 0.3-0.6% seeds contain alkaloids, such as Arekolin (C8 H13 NO2), arekolidine, arekain, guvakolin, guvasine and isoguvasine. It also contains red tannin 15%, 14% fat (palmitic, oleic, stearic, caproic, caprylic, lauric, myristic acid), starch and resin. Fresh seeds contain approximately 50% more alkaloids, compared to seeds that have been processed. Arekolin: Drug worms and efficacious as a sedative.