Wednesday, November 16, 2011
the benefit of medical plant (Dioscorea hispida Dennust) Gadung
Medical plant Gadung or (Dioscorea hispida Dennust) for the botanical name have a lot of benefit for remedies
Description: shrubs, vines, the stem surface is smooth, prickly, whitish-green. Single leaf, oval, pointed, blunt, top, green in colour. Beams, in the inflorescence armpit leaves, petals form a funnel, reddish-green Crown. Fruit round after the old blue-and-black. Form Bean. Part use of the medical plant is Rhizome.
disease can be treated
-Biliary pain.
-Menstrual pain.
-Inflammation of the gallbladder.
-Rheumatism (joint pain). -Calluses (external drug).
Sweet and neutralize SPECIAL PROPERTY of the medical plant. Anti-inflammatory, spasmolitik, diaforetik, and kholagog.It has been doing research the effect of giving the ball to squeeze Gadung oogenesis of mice. From the results of this study, it is ball squeezing Gadung inhibiting effect oogenesis cycle affecting ovarian function by Department of Biological Science Unair