Friday, November 18, 2011
the benefit of medical plant Katu (Sauropus androgynus (L,) Merr.)
Medical plant katu in local name have botanical name Sauropus androgynus (L,) Merr.) explanation:
Shrub, 2-5 meters high. Woody stems, round, leaves the former seems clear, straight, young leaves are green and brown-green. Compound leaves, oval, pointed tip, base obtuse, flat edge, length of 1-6 cm, 1-4 cm, bone pinnate, green color. Compound interest to form an umbrella in the armpit leaves, oval crown, the color purple. Buni fruit, round, three bears, a diameter of 1.5 mm less more. color whitish green.
Typical properties of sweet, cool, and clean the blood. Antipyretics and laktagog efficacy.
Curable Disease of this medical plant who RESEARCH by Sridjaja Pradjonggo Tjandra, Wahjo Dyatmiko, Troet Soemarno, et al. University Press. Katu leaf has been conducting research on histologic lactating mammary glands of female mice. The results are as follows. 1. Group of animals that were given 0.5 ml infusion of 10% and the group given no infusions there were significant differences. 2. Group of animals that were given 0.5 ml infusion of 20% and the group given no infusions there were significant differences. 3: The group of animals that were given 0.5 ml infusion of 20% and the group given intravenous 10% no significant difference. Djuniati Kustifah, 1991. Department of Biology, Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNAIR. Has conducted research on the effect of infusion of the medical plant leaves Katu milk production of mice. From the results of these studies were infusion of leaves is orally can increase the quantity of milk production of mice. Agik Suprayogi, 1993. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University has been conducting research on the influence of leaf Katu goat milk production increases. From the results of these studies, it turns out medical plant Katu leaf extract solution of 20% given in vitro can increase milk production> 20%. composition milk does not change, there is increased activity of glucose metabolism by> 50%