Monday, November 14, 2011

the advantage of Daun Dewa(Gynura segetum (Lour.) Merr.)

Medical plant (Gynura segetum (Lour.) Merr.) have indonesia name daun dewa
in an upright position, height ± 50 cm, typically planted in side of house as planting drugs. Young stalks green with longitudinal grooves tengguli, albeit rather old branched a lot. Single leaf, stem, egg-shaped with a round elongated. Melancip end. Old leaves a very deep chasm. Leaves mostly clustered at the bottom, are quite rare at the tip of the stem, another place. Both surfaces of leaves hair soft, white color. Color of the surface of leaves dark green, light green below. Leaves are 8-20 cm long. 50-10 cm wide. Flowers is at the end of the rod, gorb form yellow (flower heads). Having a color lamp on the ash-gray, 3-6 cm long, with a cross section of ± 3 cm.

Curable diseases of this medical plant:
Wound shock,
coughing blood,
vomiting blood,
infection of the esophagus,
does not come menstruation,
bitten by venomous animals;
clotting of blood, broken bones,
bleeding after childbirth;