Sunday, November 13, 2011

the benefit of Anyang Anyang(Elaeocarpus grandiflorus J.Sm,)

Anyang anyang medical plant have name botanical Elaeocarpus grandiflorus J.Sm,).description:
Trees with a Etage height 6-26 m. Stemmed leaves, crowded at the end of the branch, shape lanceolate, gradually switch on the stalk, 1-5 cm 5-20 times, bald, like skin, not the jagged beringgit; an old red fire. Hanging flower bunches, flowering 4-6, 2-10 cm long. Flower stalks 3 to 4.5 cm. Leaves bright red petals, hairy. Petals white, with scales at base, widened towards the end once and divided into Taju, length: 2 to 2.5 cm. Basic yellow flowers, and orange. Smooth-haired flower base bulge (such as chicken feathers) meeting. Stamens completely hairless. Will fruit egg shape, hairy; the anthers not dilated. Fruit of the spool, pale green, 3 cm in length lk. In the forest on the edge of the water, below 500 m, as an ornamental tree in the garden and park. Anyang, S, Rejasa, J. Elaeocarpus grandiflorus J.E.Sm. Cat. : If the fruit trampled, then the spines attached to the core through the wall of the fruit and soft fruit. Parts used fruit, bark, and leaves.

USE a part of this medical plant
1. Dysentery.
2. Bladder pain.

1. Inflammation of the kidneys.
2. Ulcers (topical).

4.Sakit Yellow.

Bark or leaf-Anyang Anyang 4 grams
Water 110 ml

Ways of making:
Made infusion or poured boiling.

How to use this medical plant
Taken 2 times a day, morning and evening, every times drinks 100 ml
Duration of treatment:
Repeated for 4 days.

Leaf-Anyang Anyang 4 grams
3 grams of leaf Sembung
Herba Meniran 2 grams
Wild Ginger Rhizome 4 gram
Water 110 ml
How to use:
Taken 2 times a day, morning and afternoon. Every time drank 100 ml.
if this medical plant not work consulting with a doctor