Monday, October 31, 2011

Benefits of Betterbur plant

In Europe, butterbur is known as a medicinal herb. Native Americans applied butterbur as a remedy for headaches and swelling. The main use of butterbur are now mostly related to control headaches, asthma and allergies. Butterbur root extract is used to treat gastric ulcers, infections and congestion.

Butterbur herb is marketed under various aspects such as grass roots and leaves extracts, powders, solutions or drugs and pills. It is known that butterbur root may protect against lung infections and toxins from the body. Butterbur root can also adjust blood pressure and is recommended in cases of high and low blood pressure. In the case of blood pressure oscillations are encouraged to have a spoonful of powdered butterbur on an empty stomach three times a day. Butterbur tea is an effective medication for fever, respiratory defects, arthritis, epilepsy and asthma. Mix: a spoonful of peanut leaf butterbur root dissolved in 1 / 4 liter mixture is heated and tense overnight. It is suggested that tea contains honey.

To reduce the recommended daily headaches combination 75 mg butterbur twice daily with food. Butterbur is not given to pregnant women and children.