Monday, October 31, 2011

Birch Tree medicinal plant

A leafy tree, known since the first time as a medicinal plant used in the treatment of many diseases, Birch is also known as "tree of life."

Important for their property, Birch is known as an excellent diuretic, without forcing the stone. Having the ability to produce sweat and helps in the treatment of rheumatism and inflammation of the bladder.

Birch elimination of cholesterol from the blood, and disinfects the body. It is also effective against hepatitis, ascites, diarrhea, constipation or intestinal parasites. Cardiac edema, circulatory failure comes, hypertension, atherosclerosis and also considered with the help of beer at the base of birch trees. It is also recommended to treat flu, fever, colds and chronic sinusitis. Also in household use, are used to relieve headaches caused by hyperzotomy, dizziness, allergies, and to tone the nervous system.

Diuresis through, remove the excess uric acid, toxins and water from the network, has an important role in the elimination of cellulite, and obesity. Birch leaf bath helps strengthen hair roots, preventing the formation of dandruff and help the healing of skin irritations.

Expressed juice of fresh leaves are used to treat urinary tract infections and inflammation of the renal calculosis, and edema. Chewed birch wood charcoal immediately after the occurrence of poisoning.

On the exterior, used to treat skin disorders - dermatitis, eczema, and ulcers.

Skin, rich in betulin and betulinic acid used in the pharmaceutical industry. He tore strips and soaked in hot water, can be used to immobilize a joint or a broken hand.