Monday, November 21, 2011
the advantage medical plant Portulaka (Portulaca grandiflora Hook.)
Medical plant Portulaka comes from Brazil. Typically, planted as an ornamental plant in the yard or in the park. This plant requires full sun to grow lush and colorful flowers. Portulaka can be found from the lowlands to an altitude of 1400 m above sea level. Trunked Herbaceous plant that grows in the rainy season or up to the top backs, 15-30 cm long, often branched from the base, the color ruasnya smooth-haired, and red or green. Single leaf, where the scattered, not stemmed, at the end of the rod tightly full, to the base of the leaf is more rare. Thick fleshy leaves, watery, needle shape, a round cylindrical, blunt tip, 1 to 3.5 cm long, green color. Flowers gathered in groups of 2-8 at the end of the stalk, bloom at eight o'clock in the morning and wilt late in the afternoon, medical plant portulaka have the color red, dice, white, orange, or yellow. Fruit ovoid shape, surface-haired,
Parts of plants used as medicine are all in the form of fresh herbs.
Herb used to treat:
sore throat, headache,
liver inflammation (hepatitis), and
swelling due to collide (bruises).
HOW TO USE medical plant
Boil the whole herb (15-30 g) and drink when cool. Can also be blended fresh herbs, then drink.
For external use, wash your fresh herbs to taste, then milled until smooth. Glue on the sick, such as insect bites, boils, sores, or bruising, and dressing. Juice of fresh herb grinder can also be used for washing and compress eczema, burns, or scalded.
the advantage medical plant Pohon Merah (Euphorbia puicherrima Willd. Et Klotzsch)
Ornamental medical plants can be found from high 1-1400 m above sea level, but to get the bright leaf color is more suitable if planted at an altitude of about 600 m dpi. Erect shrub, 1.5 to 4 m, woody, branched, gummy like milk. Single leaf, stemmed, lies scattered, elongated oval with an elliptical shape, often with the greatest curvature 2-4, end of the base and tapering, pinnate pertulangan, May 7 to 1 cm, 2.5 to 6 cm, the bottom of the smooth-haired, stems young leaves red, after a dark green. Saucer-shaped flowers in the arrangement of a typical compound called cyathium, forked tip. Each cyathium dealing with protective leaves are large, rectangular shape, the color red, sometimes yellow. Cyathium height of 1 cm, green with red Taju and large glands, on the side of the orange-yellow belly. Stalks of red orange juice. Fruit box, 1.5 cm long, light green, dark brown after.medical plant (Euphorbia puicherrima Willd. Et Klotzsch) have Seeds round,
Curable Disease:
Inflammation of the skin, broken bones,
swollen hit,
the external wound;
smooth feeding and menstruation;.
EFFECTS pharmacological of this medical plant: Bitter, Sepat, cool, slightly toxic. Stimulating vomiting, launched expenditure milk (galaktagog). CHEMISTRY CONTENT: Leaf: Alkaloids, saponins, fat, amylodextrin. Trunk: Saponin, sulfur, fat, amylodextrin, formic acid
Curable Disease:
Inflammation of the skin, broken bones,
swollen hit,
the external wound;
smooth feeding and menstruation;.
EFFECTS pharmacological of this medical plant: Bitter, Sepat, cool, slightly toxic. Stimulating vomiting, launched expenditure milk (galaktagog). CHEMISTRY CONTENT: Leaf: Alkaloids, saponins, fat, amylodextrin. Trunk: Saponin, sulfur, fat, amylodextrin, formic acid
Sunday, November 20, 2011
the advantage medical plant Pinang(Areca catechu L.)
medical plant pinang is generally planted in the yard, garden or cultivated, sometimes growing wild on the banks of rivers and other places, can be found 1-1400 m above sea level. Slender-trunked tree, grows upright, height 10-30 m, diameter 15-20 cm, branched with the former leaves off. Pinnate compound leaves grow together to form a rosette at the end of the shaft rod. Midrib leaf-shaped tube, length 80 cm, petiole short. 1 to 1.8 m long leaf blades, leaf child has a length of 85 cm, width 5 cm, with torn and toothed tip. Cob flower with a long sheath that easily fall out, get out from under the rosette of leaves, length about 75 cm, with multiple short-branched stems. There are female flowers at the base, above the male flowers are arranged in two rows much stuck in the groove.Propagation medical plant by seed.
Curable diseases medical plant:
delayed menstruation, ,
diphtheria, no appetite, constipation, hip pain, teeth and gums,
EFFECTS pharmacological of this medical plant: Seeds: Bitter, spicy, warm. Helminthic (Anthelmintic), peluruh fart (antiflatulent), peluruh menstruation, peluruh urine (diuretic), peluruh phlegm, improves digestion, pengelat (astringent), laxatives (laksan). Leaves: adder appetite. Coir: Warm, bitter. Circulation of energy, peluruh urine, purgative. CHEMISTRY CONTENT: 0.3-0.6% seeds contain alkaloids, such as Arekolin (C8 H13 NO2), arekolidine, arekain, guvakolin, guvasine and isoguvasine. It also contains red tannin 15%, 14% fat (palmitic, oleic, stearic, caproic, caprylic, lauric, myristic acid), starch and resin. Fresh seeds contain approximately 50% more alkaloids, compared to seeds that have been processed. Arekolin: Drug worms and efficacious as a sedative.
the advantage medical plant Petai Cina(Leucaena leucocephala, Lmk. de wit)
(Leucaena leucocephala) is a medical plant that has a tree trunk-sized hard and not great. Leaves compound decomposes in a double-bladed shaft. The flowers are white tuft often called cengkaruk. The fruit is similar to banana (Parkia speciosa) but much smaller and thinner Berpenampang. China including banana pods, seeds contain small bibji enough. Chinese banana farmers in the countryside is often planted as a hedge plant, green manure and everything. Petai matching china living in the lowlands to an altitude of 1500 meters above sea level. Chinese bananas in Indonesia nearly destroyed after planthopper pests. breeding apart this medical plant with old seed dispersal can also be done with stem cuttings
Curable Disease:
Diabetes mellitus,
a new wound and swollen;
Tluseben (kasura)
CHEMISTRY CONTENT of the medical plant petai cina: Seeds from fruit pods petai china (Leucaena leucocephala) which is old for every 100 grams has a value of the chemical content of the form: - Calories 148 calories - 10.6 grams Protein - 0.5 grams fat, - Hydrate charcoal 26.2 gram, - 155 milligrams of calcium, - phosphorus 59 grams - 2.2 grams of iron, - Vitamin A 416 SI, - 0.23 milligrams of Vitamin B1 - Vitamin C is 20 milligrams.
the advantage medical plant Pepaya (Carica papaya, Linn.)
Medical plant Pepaya or (Carica papaya) is a plant That Trunked upright and wet. Palms resemble papaya, white flowers and reddish yellow ripe fruit, it feels like a melon. this medical plant height can reach 9 meters with strong roots. Strand leaves resemble the human hand. If the leaves of papaya are folded into two parts exactly in the middle, it would Appear That the leaves of papaya are symmetrical. Cavity in the form of stars papaya fruit cross section. This plant medical is also cultivated widely in gardens Because of its fruit is fresh and Nutritious.
Curable Disease of this medical plant:
kidney stones,
lack of breastfeeding,
urinary tract disorders,
excessive menstruation;
abdominal pain during menstruation,
acne, white-haired;
CHEMISTRY CONTENT medical plant pepaya: The content of ripe papaya fruit (100 g) - Calories 46 cal - SI 365 Vitamin A - Vitamin B1 0.04 mg - Vitamin C 78 mg - 23 mg Calcium - Charcoal Hydrate 12.2 grams - Phosphorus 12 mg - Iron 1 , 7 mg - 0.5 mg Protein - 86.7 grams Water content of Papaya fruit Young (100 gr) - calories 26 calories. - - Protein 2.1 grams - 4.9 grams Charcoal Hydrate - Calcium 50 mg - 16 mg Phosphorus - 0.4 mg Iron - Vitamin A 50 SI - 0.02 mg Vitamin B1 - Vitamin C 19 mg - Water 92.4 Besides grams of papaya fruit also contains elements of antibiotics, which can be used for the treatment without any side effects. Papaya Fruit also contains elements that can make food more perfect digestion, besides having the power that can make the urine acid react, which scientifically is called substance caricaksantin and violaksantin. Papaya leaves also contain various substances, among others: - Vitamin A 18 250 SI - 0.15 mg Vitamin B1 - Vitamin C 140 mg - Calories 79 cal - 8.0 grams Protein - 2 grams of fat - 11.9 grams Charcoal Hydrate - calcium 353 mg - 63 mg Phosphorus - 0.8 mg Iron - 75.4 grams Water content in the leaves of papaya carposide efficacious as de-worming. Besides the leaves, roots and latex of papaya also contain papayotin, karpain, kautsyuk, karposit and vitamins
Curable Disease of this medical plant:
kidney stones,
lack of breastfeeding,
urinary tract disorders,
excessive menstruation;
abdominal pain during menstruation,
acne, white-haired;
CHEMISTRY CONTENT medical plant pepaya: The content of ripe papaya fruit (100 g) - Calories 46 cal - SI 365 Vitamin A - Vitamin B1 0.04 mg - Vitamin C 78 mg - 23 mg Calcium - Charcoal Hydrate 12.2 grams - Phosphorus 12 mg - Iron 1 , 7 mg - 0.5 mg Protein - 86.7 grams Water content of Papaya fruit Young (100 gr) - calories 26 calories. - - Protein 2.1 grams - 4.9 grams Charcoal Hydrate - Calcium 50 mg - 16 mg Phosphorus - 0.4 mg Iron - Vitamin A 50 SI - 0.02 mg Vitamin B1 - Vitamin C 19 mg - Water 92.4 Besides grams of papaya fruit also contains elements of antibiotics, which can be used for the treatment without any side effects. Papaya Fruit also contains elements that can make food more perfect digestion, besides having the power that can make the urine acid react, which scientifically is called substance caricaksantin and violaksantin. Papaya leaves also contain various substances, among others: - Vitamin A 18 250 SI - 0.15 mg Vitamin B1 - Vitamin C 140 mg - Calories 79 cal - 8.0 grams Protein - 2 grams of fat - 11.9 grams Charcoal Hydrate - calcium 353 mg - 63 mg Phosphorus - 0.8 mg Iron - 75.4 grams Water content in the leaves of papaya carposide efficacious as de-worming. Besides the leaves, roots and latex of papaya also contain papayotin, karpain, kautsyuk, karposit and vitamins
the advantage medical plant Pegagan(Centella asiatica, (Linn), Urb.)
Medical plant pegagan is Terna wild, there are all over Indonesia, from tropical Asia. Prefers a rather moist soil and are getting enough sun or shade, such as in pastures, ditch banks, rice fields, and so on. Sometimes planted as ground cover in plantations or as a vegetable crop , there is to a height of 2,500 m above sea level. Gotu kola is a chronic terna without the rod, but with short rhizomes and creeping stolon-stolon length 10 cm - 80 cm, root tubers out of each, much branched forming new plants. Single leaf blade, long-stemmed around 5 cm - 15 cm-shaped kidney. serrated edge, with a cross-section 1 cm - 7 cm arranged in a rosette consisting of 20-10 leaves, sometimes a little hairy. The flowers are white or pink, arranged in a bouquet umbrella, single or 3-5 together out of the axillary leaf
PART USED: Whole plant.
USE of the medical plant pegagan could be remedies:
1.Infectious hepatitis, measles (measles).
2.fever, inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis), sore throat, bronchitis.
3.infection and urinary system stones.
4.poisoning Gelsemium elegans, arsenic.
5.vomiting of blood, coughing blood, nosebleeds. eyes, hemorrhoids.
7. stomach disease, intestinal worms, increase appetite.
the advantage medical plant Pecut Kuda(Stachytarpheta jamaicensis)
Terna annual medical plant, growing erect, ± 50 cm high, growing wild in suburban streets, vacant land that is not maintained. Leaves opposite location, oval shape, edges serrated, hairy. Flowers sit on the ear without a stalk-shaped whip buhr, ± 4-20 cm. Flowers do not bloom simultaneously, small purple, white. Stachytarpheta indica Vahl, higher can reach 1-2 m, maintained as a hedge plant life,
Curable Disease medical plant pecut kuda:
Infections and urinary tract stones,
sore throat;
Cleansing the blood, irregular menstruation
Hepatitis A
CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological of the medical plant: Taste bitter, cold, anti-inflammatory, laxative urine. CHEMISTRY CONTENT: glycosides, alkaloids.
Curable Disease medical plant pecut kuda:
Infections and urinary tract stones,
sore throat;
Cleansing the blood, irregular menstruation
Hepatitis A
CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological of the medical plant: Taste bitter, cold, anti-inflammatory, laxative urine. CHEMISTRY CONTENT: glycosides, alkaloids.
the advantage medical plant Patikan Kerbau(Euphorbia hirta, Linn.)
medical plant patikan kerbau or (Euphorbia hirta) is a wild plant found in the tropics. Make sure the plants in Indonesia can be found among the buffalo grass road, river, garden or yard of land that is not negligible. Make sure the buffalo is usually live together with patikan Cina Verify (Euphorbia Prostrata, Ait) at an altitude of 1-1400 feet above sea level. Plants Make sure the buffalo to survive for 1 year and reproduce through seeds. Make sure the water buffalo has a dominant color brown and gummy. Many plant have branches with smaller diameter.medical plant leaf patikan kerbau have elongated shape with rounded spurs. Locations of leaves with each other face to face. Medium flowers appear in axillary leaves.
Curable Disease of the medical plant:
sore throat,
blood urine,
inflammation of the mammary gland,
swelling of the breasts;
Curable Disease of the medical plant:
sore throat,
blood urine,
inflammation of the mammary gland,
swelling of the breasts;
the advantage medical plant Patikan Cina(Euphorbia thymifolia Linn.)
medical plant Patikan Cina is(Terna small creeping, sometimes half-erect, hairy, there is everywhere in the grass in the yard, around the field, the edge of the road in places slightly damp to a height of 1400 m above sea level. Stems and leaves are slightly reddish, when damaged, remove the sap. Finned leaves even, small, oval, sight, smell fragrant. Pink flowers.
PART THE APPLICABLE of this medical plant:
The whole plant, fresh or dried.
1. Bacillary dysentery, typhus abdominalis, enteritis, diarrhea.
2. Hemorrhoids erdarah.
15-30 grams dried or 30-60 grams of fresh, boiled, drinking.
EXTERNAL USE of the medical plant patikan cina are:
1. Eczema, allergic dermatitis (skin problems due to allergies), herpes zoster,
itching in the skin, abscesses, breast:
Make sure to taste fresh chinese boiled for washing. the sap,
dropped to spots on comea (micula).
2. Breast abscess:
Crushed fresh herbs, plus sugar palm, attached to the place
3. Herpes zoster:
1 handful of fresh herbs + 1 piece of garlic, crushed
then added cold water, attached to a hospital.
4. Eczema, dermatitis, skin itching, bleeding hemorrhoids:
Fresh herbs to taste boiled, wash.
the advantage medical plant Patah Tulang (Eupharbia tirucalli L.)
medical Plant from tropical Africa is such an open place exposed to direct sunlight. In Indonesia planted as a hedge plant, potted plants, or grow wild and can be found from the lowlands to 600 m above sea level. Shrub, growing upright, 2-6 m, base woody, much branched, a poisonous milk sap. Stalk after growing about 1 inch will be located in two branches, and so on so that it looks like the branches were broken. Fracture has a cylinder-shaped twig pencils, fine ribbed longitudinally, the color green. medical plant patah tulang have The leaves are rare, found on the tip of the young twig, a small, rectangular shape, 7-25 mm, falling fast. Flowers are the tip of the stem, composed of compound interest such as bowls, greenish yellow color. The fruit when ripe will burst and throw the seeds.
PART USED: Root, stem wood, twigs, sap.
Roots and branches of the medical plant could be remedies:
- Stomach pain.
- Rheumatism / bone pain.
- Syphilis.
- Hemorrhoids.
- Ulcers of the nasal cavity.
- Nerve pain, logs:
- Skin diseases, Leprosy (Hansen Morbus).
- The foot and hand numbness.
Medical plant(Eupharbia tirucalli L.) could be usage for EXTERNAL USE:
- Itchy disease, scabies, boils.
- Mole enlarged and itching.
- Herpes zooster, chronic skin diseases.
- Yaws.
- Toothache. Ear inflammation, rheumatism, sprain / sprains. calluses /
thickening of the skin (clavus), warts.
- Broken bones (fractures). Pricked with thorns, broken glass, fish bones, etc..
the advantage medical plant Pare(Momordica charantia L.)
Medical plant Pare a lot in the tropics, grows well in lowland and can be found growing wild in wastelands, fields, cultivated or planted in the yard with the spread on the fence, to pick fruit. These plants do not require a lot of sunlight, so it can grow in places a somewhat sheltered. Crops a year, creeping or climbing by tendrils or spiral-shaped, much branched, smelled bad. Five stems ribbed, 2-5 m in length, meeting a young blonde. Single leaf, stemmed from 1.5 to 5.3 cm, alternative locations, elliptical shape, with a length of 3.5 to 8.5 cm, width 4 cm, share , base heart-shaped, dark green. rough-toothed notched up pinnate. Flowers single, androgynous in a single tree, long-stemmed, yellow. Round fruit elongated, with 80-10 longitudinal ribs, irregular-nodule , 8-30 cm long, bitter taste. this medical plant have Green fruit color
PART USED: Fruit, seeds, flowers, leaves and roots.
fruit of pare medical plant have a lot of benefit :
- Cough, sore throat (pharyngitis).
- Haus because of the heat inside.
- Sore and red eyes.
- Fever, malaria.
- Fainting due to heat (heatstroke).
- Increases appetite.
- Diabetes.
- Dysentery.
- Rheumatism, rheumatic gout.
- Increase the milk water (ASI).
- Coming menstrual pain (dismenorrhoea).
- Sprue.
- Infection roundworms.
- Digestion is disturbed
leaves of pare medical plant could be remedies:
- Wormy.
- Wounds, abscesses, boils.
- Erysipelas.
- Late menstruation.
- Constipation, increase appetite.
- Pain lever.
- Fever.
- Smooth milk expenditures.
- Syphilis, gonorrhea (Gonorrhea).
- Nourish hair in children under five.
roots could be over come disease:
- Amoebic dysentery.
- Hemorrhoids.
seeds of the medical plant pare could treat disease:
- Wormy.
- Impotence,
- Cancer.
the advantage medical plant Pandan Wangi(Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb.)
Pandan wangi medical plant sometimes grows wild on the banks of the river, marsh edges, and in places a little damp, growing from coastal areas to areas with an altitude of 500 m asl. Annual shrub, 1-2 m. High round stem with leaves of the former sitting, branched, creeping, roots around the base of the stem and branches. Single leaf, seated, with a base embrace the stem, consisting of three lined up in a spiral line. Ribbon-shaped leaves, thin, smooth, sharp edge, flat edge, reinforced parallel, 40-80 cm long, 3-5 cm wide, spiny leaves attached to the lower surface of the mother from the edge of the bone, the color green. Compound interest, head shape, the color white. Fruit stones, pendants, round shapes, sizes 4 to 7.5 cm in diameter, wall-haired fruit, orange color. Pandan wangi medical plant fragrance than as a spice is also used as raw materials to make perfume. Leaves fragrant when crushed or sliced, often used as a flavoring,
Pandan wangi medical plant leaves efficacious to overcome:
- Weak nerves (neurasthenia),
- No appetite,
- Rheumatism, stiff,
- Pain accompanied by restlessness,
- Hair loss, black hair, and
- Dandruff.
Fresh pandan wangi medical plant leaves as much as 2-5 pieces of sliced ??and then boiled or brewed to taste, drink. Or leaves crushed and then squeezed and drunk. External use, leaves washed and finely ground. Turapkan on scalp sores or dandruff.
the advantage medical plant Pala (Myristica fragrans Houtt,)
Medical plant pala have spec tree, about 10 meters, the trunk erect, woody, dirty white, single leaf, oval shape, the base and tapering tip, shiny green color. Panicle inflorescence shape, leaf out of the armpit. Male flower-shaped ball, the color yellow.these medical plant have Seeds small, ovoid, the veil of red beans, black beans brown
The sheath fruit seeds, seeds, and fruit leather.
USE of the medical plan to remedies
- Seed:
- Dysentery.
- Maag.
- Diarrhea.
- Stopping vomiting.
- Nausea.
- Heartburn.
- Stomach bloating.
- It's hard to sleep in children.
- Rheumatism (external drug-soap nutmeg).
- The voice hoarse (external drug).
composition chemical of the medical plant pala:
Arilus: Essential oils, fatty oils, tanning substances, and starch. Seeds: Essential oils, fatty oils, saponins, miristisin, elemisi, lipase enzyme, pectin, hars, tanning substances, lemonena, and oleanolat acid. Rind: Essential oils and tanning substances.
the advantage medical plant Padi (Oryza, sativa L)
Medical plant padi be planted in fields, to an altitude of 1,200 m asl. these trunked shrub wet season, height 50 cm - 1.5 m. Stems erect, soft, segmented, hollow, rough, green color. Single ribbon-shaped leaves of 15-30 cm, width up to 2 Ern, palpability rough, sharp edge, flat edge, , green.-shaped flowers. The fruit of stone fruit, decomposes on stalks, green color, after parents became yellow. Seeds hard, oval, white or red. Grains of rice that has been separated from the stalk called grains, and which has been discarded outer skin called the rice. When rice is cooked, later renamed the rice, which is the main food for most Indonesian people. Generally, white rice, although there is brown rice. 9 grains of rice straw after knocking unhulled rice and dried until dry, called a straw. Relatives include rice grass medical plant
Membranes seeds, seeds, fruit stalks, and. Membrane was dried in the sun until dry beans.
USE this medical plant:
Seed membrane (Gu yes) efficacious to overcome:
- Stomach and spleen is weak,
- No appetite, indigestion, feeling of fullness in the chest and
- Hands and numbness.
Fruit stalks (straw) efficacious to overcome:
- Dirty hair, and
- Miscarriage.
Seeds (rice) efficacious to overcome:
- Fever,
- Diarrhea,
- Mumps,
- Rheumatic,
- Inflammation of the breast, skin inflammation, and
- Ulcers.
Roots of the medical plant efficacious to overcome:
- Excessive sweating, spontaneous sweating, and
- Filariasis.
the advantage medical plant Nona Makan Sirih
medical plants (Clerodendrum thomsonae Balff.) are usually grown as an ornamental plant in the yard or in the park, and can be found up to an altitude of 1000 m above sea level. Originally from tropical Africa, can grow in pots or in soil, such as the location of a slightly sheltered or exposed to full sunlight for good flowering. Climbing shrubs or vines, 2-5 m high Young twigs of this plant has a rectangular shape. Single leaf, stemmed, elongated oval shape, sharp edges, flat edge. Flowers out of the tip of the fruit twigs or leaves the armpit, in the circuit rasemos, berseludang red color is yellowish white, with round green seeds 2-4, dark brown color when ripe. Propagation by seed, cuttings or root solving.
Curable Disease of this medical plant:
Inflammation of the lining of the ear drum (tympanitis) in children.;
Clears heat and toxins (toxins).
the advantage medical plant Ngokilo(Stachytarpheta mutabilis, Vahl.)
Medical plant Ngokilo (Stachytarpheta mutabilis) is a type of plant that trunked wet and quick like a grass-trunked upright. In Java the plant is widely available in rural areas that grows as a shrub. Stem diameter between 0.2 - 0.7 cm. Outer skin purple with green spots and when parents turn brown. Ngokilo leaves oval, serrated at the edges by a distance somewhat rare, delicate almost invisible. Long strands of leaves (no stems) ranged between 5-8 cm (normal size) and width of leaves about 2-5 cm. These herbs are easy to breed in fertile soil, somewhat sheltered, and in the open.
Curable Disease of the medical plant:
Diabetes mellitus,
Lever (jaundice),
Piles (Hemorrhoids);
worms, and black ants can Taxable
Chemical content on ngokilo hitherto unknown, because there is no scientific research. Based on experience, it turns out medicinal plants.
the advantage medical plant Nanas kerang (Rhoeo di scolor (L.Her.) Hance)
Medical plant Nanas Kerang have the botanical name Rhoeo discolor
People used to be planted as an ornamental plant, thrives in moist soil. Including members of the tribe originally from Mexico and the West Indies. Tree height 40 cm - 60 cm, stem rough, short, straight, not branched. Leaf width and length, easily broken, the color on the upper surface of leaves: green and red at the bottom . Leaf length + 30 cm, width 2.5 to 6 cm. The flowers are white, flower-shaped shells.
USE of the medical plant nanas kerang to remedies:
1. Acute & chronic bronchitis, whooping cough (pertussis).
2. Gland tuberculosis (Lymphatic tuberculosis)
3. Nosebleeds (epistaxis).
4. Bacillary dysentery, dysentery (Melena).
CHEMICAL AND EFFECTS pharmacological medical plant: Taste sweet, cool. Sputum anti-inflammatory, lung care, liquefy, anti-cough, anti-diarrhea, cleanse the blood
the advantage medical plant Nanas(Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.)
Medical plant nanas originated from Brazil. In Indonesia, nanas planted in gardens, yards, and other places that receive enough sunlight at an altitude of 1-1300 m above sea level. Pineapple is a fruit that is always available throughout the year. Annual or biennial herb, 50-150 cm high, there is creeping shoots at the base. Gathered in rosette leaves and roots at the base extends to the midrib. Strands of the leaf blade shape, thickness, clay, 80-120 cm, 2-6 cm wide, pointed tip resembling thorns, barbed outboard edge bent upwards, the bottom of the flaky white green, green or reddish. Compound interest are arranged in very tight grain, located terminals and long-stemmed. The fruit is fruit buni compound, long round, fleshy, dark green, the color becomes yellow when ripe.
The part used is fruit and leaves
medical plant fruit is used for treatment:
- A feeling of fullness in the stomach,
- Constipation,
- Sore throat,
- Lose weight,
- Beri-beri,
- Sprains, swelling hit,
- Easy blood clot (blood coagulation),
- Atherosclerosis (narrowing of blood vessels),
- Inhibits tumor growth,
- Increase the absorption (absorption) of the drug,
- Missed period, and
- Worms.
composition chemical of this medical plant:
Fruit contains vitamins (A and C), calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, dextrose, sucrose (cane sugar), and the enzyme bromelain. Bromelain efficacious anti-inflammatory, helps soften the food in the stomach, interfere with the growth of cancer sets, inhibits platelet aggregation, and has fibrinolytic activity. Fiber content may facilitate defecation in patients with constipation (constipation). The leaves contain calcium oxalate and pectic substances.
the advantage medical plant Nampu(Homalomena occulta )
Nampu or (Homalomena occulta )for the botanical name can be found growing wild in the mountains, rivers, lakes, or planted as a medicinal plant and ornamental plants in a somewhat sheltered. Herbaceous plants that have a high longevity of 50-100 cm. Trunked round, not woody,, purple-brown color, and form elongated rhizome. Single leaf, stem 50-60 cm long, fleshy round. Heart-shaped leaves up a knife, pointed tip, base rompang, flat edge, smooth two, pertulangan pinnate, 70-90 cm long, 20-35 cm wide, and dark green. Compound interest and hump-shaped purple leaves grow diketiak, androgynous, 15-30 cm long, and purple stems.medical plant nampu have form fruit, round, small, and red. Long beans, small and brown.
Parts of plants used as medicine are the rhizome. Once extracted, clean roots from the root, cud, and the sun to dry. Cut into thin for storage.
Medical plant Nampu rhizome is used to overcome:
a.sindroma wind-damp obstruction, with symptoms of chills, pain in lower back and knees, and feeling cramps and numbness in the lower leg,
b. stiff,
c. pains after giving birth,
the advantage medical plant Mondokaki(Ervatamia divaricata (L.) Burk.)
Medical plant Mondokaki usually grown as an ornamental plant in the yard and in the parks. Originally plant from India, spread across Southeast Asia, and other tropical regions, and can be found from the lowlands to 400 m asl. A much branched erect shrub, 0.5 to 3 m high, round wooden rod, latex-containing milk. Single leaf, thick skin, where the line of sight, nine short-stemmed. Strands of leaf shape oval or elongated ellipsoid, tip of the base and tapering, flat edge, polished surface of the mat, bone pinnate leaves, 6-15 cm, 2-4 cm wide, green color. Flower stalk out of the armpit leaves, one or a pair, short with some flowers. Flowers are usually double, white with yellow middle section,Propagation of the medical plant by cuttings or grafts.
PART USED: Root, leaves, flowers and bark.
USE of the medical plant leaves:
- Ulcer.
- Bitten mad dog.
- High blood pressure (hypertension)
- Sprains.
Sap of leaves:
- Preventing the onset of inflammation in the wound.
roots of this medical plant have function remedies:
- Swollen and sore throat, cough.
- Broken bones (fractures), toothache.
- Worm pinworm.
- Diarrhea.
- Bites of venomous animals such as scorpions.
the advantage medical plant Mindi Kecil(Melia azedarach L.)
medical plant Mindi kecil in indonesia often planted on the side of the road as a shade tree, sometimes growing wild in areas near the coast. Trees that grow quickly and come from China can be found from the lowlands to the mountains with an altitude of 1,100 m asl. Skin of many-branched tree has a dark brown, with a height up to 4 m. The leaves are compound, pinnate double, growing alternately with 20-80 cm. Leaflets oval to rectangular shapes, jagged edge, pointed tip, base rounded or obtuse, the upper leaf surface dark green,
PART USED of medical plant mindi kecil
Parts of plants used as medicine are the bark, root bark, fruit, and leaves. Use materials that have been dried or fresh. Bark after washing, then dry in the sun until dry. Perform Cutting prior to storage.
Bark and root bark is used to overcome:
- Worms especially askariasis, oxyuriasis, taeniasis, and trichuriasis,
- External use for scabies and fungus on the scalp (tinea capitis).
The fruit is used to overcome:
- Worms especially askariasis (boiled beans with nut and fruit gulp),
- Stomach pain, stomach pain.
The leaves are used to treat disease:
- High blood pressure (hypertension)
composition of this medical plant chemical:
Bark and root bark contains toosendanin (C30H38O11) and components yang.larut (C30H40O12). In addition, there are also alkaloids azaridine (margosina), kaempferol, resins, tannins, n-triacontane, ß-sitosterol, and triterpene kulinone. Less toxic than the root bark bark. Seeds contain a very berracun resin, 60% fatty oil consisting of stearic acid, palmitic, oleic, linoleic, lauric, valerianat, butyrate, and a small amount of essential oil of sulfur. Fruits contain sterols, catechol, vanilat acid, and acid bakayanat. The leaves contain alkaloids paraisina, routine flavonoids, bitter substances, saponins, tannins, steroida, and kaempferol.
the advantage medical plant Mimba(Azadirachta indica A. Juss.)
medical plant mimba have 8-15 m tall, Pansy flowers. Simpodial stem, bark contains gum, bitter. The odd feathery leaves in pairs. The child leaves with twisted strands of elongated lanceolate from, 3-10 cm in length from 0.5 to 3.5 cm wide, base narrows no symmetry, almost until the end of the tapered sharpened, krupnozubcatye edge of bare, overcome the bitterness, light-green color. Flower panicle structure located in the podmyšecnoj hollow leaves on top, 5-30 cm, bald or hairy at the base of the stalk subtle bouquet, floral stems 1-2 mm. Yellowish petals, mercatel'nogo, an average of 1 mm. Yellowish-white Crown, mercatel'nogo, 5-7 mm long. Stamen stamens form tubes, look smooth hairless or short hair, with hair. Gynoecium has an average length of 3 mm, bald. Fruit round, yellow-green 1.5 to 2 cm. Origin is unclear. Time of flowering from March to December. Growing up in the tropics, in the lowlands. This medical plant grows in the area of West Java, East Java and Madura island
The leaves are used for appetite enhancer, to overcome diseases
5.Oil to cope with eczema, head dirty,
inhibiting development and growth of germs.
Bark of this medical plant is used to treat
1.stomach aches,
2.amplifier, reducing a fever.
The fruit and the sap is used as an body amplifier.
the advantage medical plant Meniran(Phylanthus urinaria, Linn.)
Medical plant meniran also mentioned (Phylanthus urinaria, Linn.) in the botanical name
Description: Morphology Meniran: Trunk: Circular trunked wet with a height of less than 50 cm. Leaves: petiole has a finned even each consisting of compound leaves that have small size and oval shaped. Flowers: There on the leaf facing down the armpit. Growing Conditions: Meniran derived from tropical plant that grows wild in the woods, fields, gardens and page home page, are generally not maintained, because the grass plant is considered normal.medical plant Meniran place that thrives in moist lowland until height of 1000 meters above sea level.
Curable Disease plant:
Jaundice (liver),
Malaria, Fever,
excessive menstrual;
Composition: Chemical compounds contained in medical plant meniran: - Filantin Substance - Potassium - Minerals - Resin - tanning substances
this medical plant also works to increase the body's immune system
the advantage medical plant Mengkudu(Morinda citrifolia, Linn.)
Medical plant (Morinda citrifolia), including the types of coffees. Noni can be grown in the lowlands to the ground at an altitude of 1500 meters above sea level. Noni is a plant native to Indonesi. These plants have stems that are not too large with tree height 3-8 m. Compound leaves are opposite, 20-40 cm leaf length and width of 7-15 cm. Relations hump-shaped flowers are small and white. Fruit glossy green in color and oval shape with a variety of fruit-trotol trotol Bunni. And contained many small seeds in the fruit flesh. In general, the noni medical plant breeding the wild in the woods or a house edge of the park is maintained
medical plant Mengkudu or(Morinda citrifolia, Linn.) could be treat disease
1. hypertension
Ingredients: 2 Noni fruit that has been cooked in a tree and a spoon
eating honey.
How to Make: noni fruit is squeezed to take water,
then mixed with honey until evenly distributed and filtered.
How to use: drink and repeated 2 days.
2. jaundice
Ingredients: 2 Noni fruit that has been cooked in a tree and a piece
sugar cubes.
How to Make: noni fruit is squeezed to take water,
then mixed with honey until evenly distributed and filtered.
How to use: drink and repeated 2 days.
3. Fever (colds and infuenza)
Ingredients: 1 Noni fruit and a rhizome kencur;
How to Make: The second material is boiled with 2 cups water
to boil down to a cup, and then filtered.
How to use: drinked 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.
4. cough
Ingredients: 1 ½ fruit Noni and handheld leaf poo (bujanggut);
How to Make: The second material is boiled with 2 cups water
to boil down to a cup, and then filtered.
How to use: drinked 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.
5. stomach ache
Ingredients: 2-3 Noni leaf
Method: finely ground, plus salt and poured boiling water
the heat.
How to use: after a cold filtered and drunk.
6. Eliminate the scales on the feet
Ingredients: Noni fruit is ripe on the tree.
How to use: the feet are scrubbed with fruit bersiisik
Noni until evenly distributed, and left for 5-10 minutes,
then cleaned with a clean cloth dampened with water
that's six benefit of medical plant mengkudu(Morinda citrifolia, Linn.)
the advantage medical plant Melati
Description this medical plant: melati (Jasminum sambac), including a plant that has many benefits. Small flowers white and fragrant, often used for various needs. Jasmine, can bloom year round and can be grown in loose soil with a height of about 600 or 800 meters above sea level, so long as to get enough sunlight. medical plant melati can be propagated by cuttings. The new shoots will emerge after about 6 weeks.
1. Stop the milk coming out excessive
Ingredients: 1 handful of leaves of jasmine
Method: the material is finely crushed
How to use: affixed around the breasts, every morning
before the bath.
2. Sore eyes (red eyes or Belek)
Ingredients: 1 handful of leaves of jasmine
Method: the material is finely crushed
How to use: taped to the forehead, when it is dry
replaced new, repeat until healed.
3. Swelling caused by leaf bee attack
Ingredients: 1 handful of jasmine flowers
Method: The material knead until smooth
How to use: affixed to the part stung by bees.
4. Fever and headaches
Ingredients: 1 handful of leaves of jasmine, jasmine 10
Method: The material knead by hand,
then soaked with water in a hamper
How to use: the water bath is used to compress the forehead
5. shortness of breath
Ingredients: 20 sheets of jasmine leaves and salt to taste
Method: the ingredients are boiled in 3 cups of water until
boils down to 2 cups and filtered.
How to use: affixed around the breasts, every morning
before the bath.
that five advantage from medical plant melati
the advantage medical plant Mangkokan(Nothopanax scutellarium Merr.)
This medical plant is often grown as an ornamental plant or hedge, although it can be found growing wild in fields and river banks. Mangkokan here rarely or never flower, love the outdoors exposed to sunlight or less protected, and can grow at an altitude of 100-200 m DP1. Annual shrub, growing upright, height 1-3 m. Stem woody, branched, round, long, and straight. Single leaf, stemmed, somewhat thick, curved round shape such as bowl, base heart-shaped, serrated edge, diameter 6-12 cm, bones pinnate, dark green color. Compound interest, an umbrella shape, the color green. The fruit is a fruit buni, flat, green. Seeds small, hard, and brown
PART USED of this medical plant: Root and leaves.
Roots and leaves mangkokan efficacious to overcome:
- Inflammation of the breast,
- Swelling and launch expenses milk,
- Hair loss,
- Difficulty urinating,
- Body odor, and
- Wound.
HOW TO USE this medical plant:
Take a leaf and then boiled and drunk to taste.
For external use, the old leaves finely milled, and used locally.
the advantage medical plant Manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.)
Medical plant manggis, evergreen, height 60-20 m. Trunk straight, the main trunk of clear, brown skin, has a yellow sap. Single leaf, leaves opposite or crossing the opposite seat, strands; surface shiny, dark green upper surface of the lower surface light green, elongated elliptical shape, 12-23 x 4.5 to 10 cm long, stem 1.5 to 2 cm. 1-3 female flowers at the end of the rod, fork composition, diameter 5-6 cm. Petals sepals, two petals outside green leaves yellow, the two smaller, red-eyed, very curved, blunt. Crown composed of four petals, inverted egg shape, thick fleshy, green, yellow, red or almost red edge all. Sterile stamens (staminodia) usually in rolls (group). 4-8 will bear fruit, the stigma of radius 4-6. Fruit round depression, 3.5 to 7 cm, dark purple, with the stigma of sitting (fixed), petals remain, fruit wall thick, fleshy, purple, with yellow sap. 1-3, enveloped by a membrane that TEB seed of, unknown origin medical plant
EFFECTS OF BIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY manggis peel stew have antidiarrheal effects. Young medical plant manggis fruit has a spermicidal effect and speriniostatik. Extracts (n-hexane and ethanol) mangosteen has a certain level of toxicity in the use of test methods Schrimp Brine Test (BST). From the results of studies reported that Mangostin (1,3,6-trihydroxy-7-methoxy-2 ,8-bis (3metil-2-butenyl)-9H-Xanten-9-on) isolation from the bark of fruit has anti-inflammatory activity and antioxidants. From the results of pharmacological and biochemical studies it is known that Mangostin competitively inhibit not only histamine H receptors, mediators of muscle contraction but also epiramin software that builds the H1 receptor,soft muscle cells intact. medical plant manggis is a new type of histamine. Toxicity Giving young leaf extract of pregnant rats with doses of 500, 1000 mg, 1500 / kg, indicating an effect on the fetal form of weight loss, bleeding in the fetus, and fetal liver tissue changes such as liver cell necrosis, but there is an abnormality occurs development and abortion. Leaf extract of mangosteen with various doses can reduce the number of spermatids cells, increasing the number of abnormal spermatozoa, and spermatozoa slow forward motion
The fruit of the medical plant is used to treat diarrhea, inflammation of the tonsils, vaginal discharge, dysentery, hemorrhoids, ulcers; in addition be used as a laxative phlegm, and also for toothache. Rind is used to treat thrush, dysentery, sore muscles, constipation. Bark used to treat abdominal pain. Roots to cope with irregular menstruation. In terms of flavor, the medical plant fruit has good potential to be made of fruit juice.
the advantage medical plant Mamang Besar(Cleome spinosa L.)
This medical plant can be found growing wild or planted in the yard for the element to fill the gap at the edge of the park, sometimes cultivated as cut flowers. Native of tropical America, found growing in the lowlands to 1400 m asl, in open places exposed to the sun and the temperature is moderate .. Herbaceous annual, growing erect, 60-160 cm high, often branched, bare or does not meet haired, loud-smelling. Stemmed leaves, alternate locations. Leaves 3-5 compound leaves without leaflets. Child leaves the location to sit, lancet shapes, sharp edges, the edge of the flat bones pinnate leaves, the color green.
PART THE APPLICABLE of this medical plant: the whole plant
- Rheumatism
- Injury hit (bruising)
USAGE of this medical plant:
External use only: The entire plant is sufficiently washed, and then finely ground to be used in place of the sick, if necessary bandaged. The entire plant may also washed and boiled. Warm boiled water used to soak the sick body.
the advantage medical plant Mahoni
Medical plant mahoni can be found growing wild in the forests of teak and other places close to the beach, or planted as a shade tree on the roadside. Native plants from the West Indies, can develop when grown in brackish sand close to shore. Trees, an annual, 5-25 m, riding roots, stems round, much branched wood and resin. Leaves even-pinnate compound leaves, leaf blades oval shape, the end of the base and tapering, flat edge, bone pinnate, 3-15 cm. Young leaves are red, after a dark green. The flowers are arranged in a bouquet of flowers compound leaf out of the armpit. mother flower stalk cylindrical, light brown color.
PART THE APPLICABLE of this medical plant:
Seeds, dried and finely ground into powder.
USE to over come disease:
- High blood pressure (hypertension).
- Diabetes (diabetes mellitus).
- Lack of appetite,
- Rheumatism.
- Fever.
- Sign the wind.
- Eczema.
USAGE of the medical plant mahoni:
To drink: 1 / 2 teaspoon finely ground seeds into powder.
the advantage medical plant Mahkota Dewa(Phaleria macrocarpa)
Medical plant mahkota dewa can be found planted in gardens as an ornamental plant in gardens or as a shade plant. mahkota dewa plant origin is still unknown . Assessing Phaleria papuana botanical name, many people who predicted this plant populations originally from the land of Papua, Irian Jaya. There can indeed be found of this plant. Crown god thrives in loose, fertile soil at an altitude of 10-1200 m above sea level. This erect shrub grows with chronic high of 1 to 2.5 m. Round the trunk, rough surface, brown, wood and sap, branching simpodial. Single leaf, located opposite of each form, short-stemmed, oblong or elliptic other end of the base and tapering, flat edge, pinnate, smooth, dark green, 7-10 cm, 2-5 cm wide. Flowers come out throughout the year, lying scattered on the stems or leaves the armpit, the shape of a tube, a small, white, and fragrant. Fruit round, 3-5 cm diameter, smooth, grooved,
PART USED of this medical plant
Parts of plants used as medicine are the leaves; meat and fruit leather. The leaves and fruit skin can be used fresh or dried, while the fruit flesh is used after drying.
Fruit peel and flesh of the fruit is used for:
- Dysentery,
- Psoriasis, and acne.
Leaves and seeds used for the treatment of:
- Skin diseases, such as ekzim and itching.
HOW TO USE medical plant mahkota dewa
Not yet known effective dose is safe and beneficial. For drugs taken, use a few slices of dried fruit (without seeds). Over the new few days increased dosage little by little, until the perceived benefits. For serious illnesses, such as cancer and psoriasis, the dose should be greater use sometimes in order to benefit improvements. Consider the side effects that arise.
the advantage medical plant Lobak(Raphanus sativus L.)
Herbaceous annuals,medical plant lobak have approximately 1 meter height, stem tubers to form a soft, pale white. Single leaf, oval, serrated leaf edge, tip and base rompang green and hairy. Inflorescence form bunches, at the tip of the stem, greenish yellow stamens, petals green, white oval crown. Brown oval fruit. Seed oval.
Horseradish root is the influence of bladder stones seen at doses of 1.2 grams, 12 grams, and 60 grams gram/200 bb. The higher the dose given to greater destruction of bladder stones.
USE of the medical plant lobak to treat disease
1. Coughing.
2. Bronchitis.
3. Fever.
4. Hemorrhoids.
5. Rheumatism (topical).
the advantage medical plant Lidah Ular(Hedyotis corymbosa )
medical plant lidah ular for the local name, the description plant :
upright or leaning, one year (annual), often branched from the base of the stem
on the outer surface near the tip of the bulge of small pointy petals remaining. The corners of the nut. Flowering time from January to December. In Java grows in areas with an altitude of 100-800 m above sea level, get to the area with an altitude of 1425 m above sea level, in an open area receives lots of sunlight, not too wet, rocky areas, on sidewalks, courtyards, trench , parks, medical plant lidah ular as locally abundant.
Used medical plant in the treatment of peptic ulcers, dysentery, exhausted maternity, pencernaari disorders, medications down the heat.
CHEMICAL CONTENT All parts of plant: iridoid compounds, among others asperulosid, skandosidmetilester, benzoilskandosidinetilester;?-Sitosterol, ursolat acid, oleanolat acid, n-benzoyl-1-fenilalanil fenilalaninol-1-acetate. A study has managed to find two kinds of flavonol class of flavonoids from this medical plant; one of these compounds having the hydroxy group on atom C-3, C-5 and C-4.
the advantage medical plant Lempuyang Gajah(Zingiber zerumbet)
Medical plant lempuyang gajah or(Zingiber zerumbet)in the name botanical plant and here are the description;
The original rod form rhizomes under the ground, a height of more than 1 m. Trunk: a collection of pseudo-stem leaves are alternate midrib, on the ground, several rods colonize, green, rhizomes; creeping, fleshy, plump, aromatic. Leaves: Single, seated alternate, midrib; form a pseudo-stem, strand; form a narrow lanceolate, widest in the middle or above middle, length 3-7 times width, base tapering or blunt, the tip is very sharp or pointed, hairy on the surface above, leaves or bones at the base, 14-40 x 3 to 8.5 cm long, hairy stalks, 4-5 mm. Aloe leaf; erect, blunt, such as membranes, hair from 1.5 to 3 cm. Flower: arrangement of compound grains, spherical or elongated shape, appear above the ground, upright, smooth-haired, thick slender, 9-31 cm. 1.5 to 1.6 times the width, widening slightly rounded tip, leaf shield with a flat tip, size 1.54 x 1.54 cm, stalk grain scales 4-6, lanceolate, obtuse, hairy, red, 3-6, 5 cm. Leaves the protective sheath is greater than, equal in length to the tube crown. Grain sizes from 3.5 to 10.5 x 1.75 to 5.5 cm. Petals: 13-17 mm. Crown: bright yellow, dark green, or white, tube 2-3 cm, oval rounded lobes elongated, tapered or pointed ends, most of the posterior petals 1.5 to 2.5 x 1-2 cm, rounded lip eggs or rounded, orange or lemon yellow, 12-20 x 15-20 mm. Stamen: anthers elongated elip-round, bright yellow, 8-10 mm, 7 mm connector. Pistil: fruit will be 3 rooms, going to seed lot, the position of axillary, forked pistil stalk free. Fruit: ovoid inverted, red, 12 x 8 mm. Seed: round elongated ball, an average of 4 mm. Flowering time this medical plant about January-
USE of the medical plant lempuyang gajah to over come disease
1. Kidney stones.
2. Dysentery.
3. Seizures in children.
4. Diarrhea.
5. Generating appetite.
6. Freshener.
7. Jaundice.
8. Sore skin.
9. Colds.
10. Sore skin (topical).
the advantage medical plant Legundi (Vitex trifolia L.)
Medical plant legumdi or(Vitex trifolia L.) in the name botanical plant constitute
irregular canopy, aromatic, height 1-4 m. Obviously the main stem, bark dark brown, square young stems, much branched. compound leaves, sat down, opposite leaves, young leaves 1-3, leaves 2 and 3, sit down, stemmed leaf tip is less than 0.5 cm, oval-round-strand reverse elip elongated oval, the largest leaves 49 children, 5 x 1 0.75 to 3, 75 cm, which leaves 2 to 6.5 x 1.25 to 3.5 cm. Flower arrangement of compound panicle, with the basic structure fork, panicles 3.5 to 24 cm, fork 2 to 6.5 cm, 3-15 flowers, meetings and crowding. High sepals 3 to 4.5 mm. Crown tube 7-8 mm, 4-6 mm diameter Median segments of the lower lip . juice 4 near the center of the tube crown, the length of two. Pistil: fruit would be perfect 2 bedroom, 2 parts space, seated lateral ovules, pistil stalk, hair, tip branching. Fruit drupa type, sit, watery or dry, hard walls.this medical plant is easily grown in any kind of soil
USE IN COMMUNITY of the medical plant legundi
Roots for the prevention of pregnancy,
postpartum healing.
Trunk to cure swelling and eczema.
Seed cough, body care fresheners, hair.
Fruit as de-worming .
The leaves of the medical plant are used to reduce pain, dizziness, runny nose, lower the heat, relieve spasms, cough, tonsillitis, tuberkulose, typhoid, , stomach wind peluruh, peluruh sweat, launched menstruation, cleanse the uterus, puerperal fever, relieving water, heal wounds, scabies and to kill insects.
the advantage medical plant Landik(Barleria lupulina Lindl)
This medical plant comes from Madagascar and can be found up to an altitude of 100 m above sea level. Grows wild in the woods and in fields, or planted as an ornamental plant in the fence, and plant as a medicinal plant. Many branched shrub, 1-2 m high, spiny, woody stems, dark brown color. Single leaf, where the line of sight, short-stemmed, at the base of the stalk there is a pair of strong spines and sharp red purple. Leaf blade lanceolate, 4-8 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, tip pointed, base narrowed, the edge of the flat, smooth white-haired, green glossy leaves, mom pertulangan parallel to the bone in the middle of the yellow leaf. Golden yellow flowers, gathered in the form of grains out at the end of the rod. Fruit square, round, green. Seeds flat round, blackish brown. Propagation of this medical plant by stem cuttings.
PART USED: Leaves.
Leaves of medical plant landik useful to overcome:
- Dog bites and venomous snakes,
- Swelling caused by shock or fall,
- Ulcers, wounds berdairah, ulceration, and
- Rheumatism.
Fresh Leaves medical plant landik of of 6 - 1 0 g boiled, and drunk. For external use only, finely ground fresh leaves, and then paste it into the sore spot.
the advantage medical plant .Landep(Barleria prionitis L)
Description: These medical plants originated from tropical Asia and South Africa. In Indonesia are found in areas with dry climates, growing wild or planted to fence from the lowlands to 400 m asl. Bushes, height 1.5 to 2 m. Woody stems, rectangular, hairy, strong spikes contained in the armpit-armpit leaves. The leaves. single, young leaves hairy, where the line of sight, petiole 4-8 mm long .. Leaf blade elliptic to oblong or ovoid elongated, tapered tip, base narrowed tapered along the shaft, flat edge slightly wavy, 2-18 cm long, 2 to 6.5 cm wide, bones pinnate, green color. Flowers single, symmetrical two-sided, in the armpit leaves, crown five, elongated elliptical shape, the color yellow. Fruit box, oval, flattened, the tip rather pointed, hard, split in two, the color green. Seeds oval, flat, shiny , brown color.
PART USED of the medical plant landep: Leaves and roots.
The leaves are useful for the treatment of:
- Rheumatism, lumbago,
- Fever,
- Abdominal pain, abdominal edema water,
- Urinating less smoothly, scabies, sore gums, and
- semen (spermatorea).
The root is useful to treat disease:
- Worms.
usage of the medical plant:
To drink: see examples of usage. For. external use, to taste finely ground fresh leaves for the treatment of rheumatism, back pain, phlegm, headache, and toothache. Roots to cure fevers, wounds, ringworm. Juice of the roots for drops in ear inflammation.
the advantage medical plant Lada
Annual herbaceous medical plants, climbing. Round rods, segmented, branched, have a root-adhesive, dirty green color. Single leaf, oval, heart shape base, pointed tip, edge length, flat 5-8 cm, 2-5 cm wide, pertulangan pinnate, green color. Compound interest, the form of grain, depending, 3.5 to 22 cm, the color green. Buni fruit, round, young fruit of this medical plant is green and scarlet.
USE Fruit of the medical plant to remedies:
Leg swelling.
Menstrual pain.
Rheumatism (muscular pain).
Headache (external drug).
Leaves: Kidney stones.
Composition medical plant: Essential oils, pinena, kariofilena, limonena, filandrena, alkaloids piperina, kavisina, piperitina, Piperidine, bitter substances, fats and oils.
the advantage medical plant Kwalot(Brucea javanica (L.) Mer
Medical plant kwalot or t(Brucea javanica (L.) Mer for the name botanical plant are
High shrub, erect, very bitter, height 1 to 2.5 m. Structure of odd-pinnate leaves; leaflets 5-13, mostly opposite, elongated oval-shaped leaflets lanceolate, tapered tip, serrated edge beringgit, base rounded or pointed, hairy 5.5 to 17.5 times from 2 to 7.5 cm. Flowers 1 or 2, in the arrangement of a long narrow panicle 2-30 cm. Flower petals in the form of jewelry; segment of petals very small, oval shape inverted oval, 0.75 to 1 mm. Crown has 5 petals, elongated shape, blunt, hairy rarely, along the edge glandulous, purple-green. Stamens as many as petals, no anthers in female flowers.
Curable Disease of the medical plant by research : Brucea javanica seed extract effectively as amubisida. Bruseantin and brusein C isolated from seed extracts are soluble in n-butanol, the compound was active against Entamoeba histolytica. The potential is expected because of inhibition of protein synthesis of the malaria parasite. Additionally Brucea javanica seed extract is active against Shigella shiga, S. Boydii, Salmonella derby, Salmonella typhi type 11, Fibrio cholerae Inaba, Ogawa Fibrio cholerae. Brusatol isolated from the seeds reported to be effective to cure dysentery.
In other types of Brucea Brucea antidysentrica will find it? Hidroksikantin? 6? And 1.11? Dimetoksikantin? 6? At a potential antitumor in vitro and in vivo. In addition it was found that C has the potential antitumor bruseanol against "human KB, A 549 lung carcinoma in vitro?") Pharmacology clinic Fruit: fruit extract used in the treatment of amoebic dysentery. From the research it is known that the activity of fruit extracts Brucea antidisentri less effective when compared with emetin. Contra indications fruit should not be used on children? children, pregnant and lactating women a new one. Securities that are not reported the use of external fruit a few cases of anaphylaxis.
USE IN THE COMMUNITY of this medical plant
Seeds are traditionally mostly used in the treatment of various diseases including cancer, dysentery, malaria. The roots are used to treat fever, dysentery, cough, rheumatism. The leaves are used to treat fever, scabies, boils, poison antidote centipedes. The fruit is used to reduce bleeding, dysentery. All parts of medical plants used in the treatment of fever, abdominal cramps, dysentery.
the advantage medical plant Kunyit(Curcuma longa Linn.)
Turmeric (Curcuma domestic) including one of the spices and medicinal plants, native habitat of this plant covers an area of ??Asia, especially Southeast Asia. These plants then the distribution to the Indo-Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia and even Africa. Almost everyone Indonesia and India and the Asian nations generally been consuming this spice plants, either as a complementary herb spices to cook, or to maintain health and beauty.
Curable Disease of the medical plant:
Diabetes mellitus,
leucorrhoea Hospital,
irregular menstruation,
abdominal pain during menstruation,
breastfeeding Streamlining; tonsils, mucous stools, Morbili, (Waterproken);
CHEMISTRY CONTENT medical plant kunyit: Turmeric contains medicinal compounds, called curcuminoid consisting of curcumin, desmetoksikumin and bisdesmetoksikurkumin and other benefits of substances Substance Ingredients: Curcumin: R1 = R2 = OCH3 10% Demetoksikurkumin: R1 = OCH3, R2 = H 1 - 5% Bisdemetoksikurkumin: R1 = R2 = H asiri remaining oil / volatile oil (sesquiterpene ketones, turmeron, tumeon 60%, 25% Zingiberen, felandren, sabinen, borneol and sineil) Fat 1 -3%, 3% Carbohydrate, Protein 30% , Starch 8%, 45-55% Vitamin C, mineral salts (iron, phosphorus, and calcium) remaining
the advantage medical plant Kunci Pepet(Kaemferia rotunda L.)
Medical plant kunci pepet or white turmeric is often called "the white saffron" or "Curcuma alba", as the Latin name wrong. Because the leaves are beautifully patterned and growth is not high then the figure resembles an ornamental plant that is often planted in the garden or in pots.kunci Pepet can also be found growing wild in several places in the eastern part of Java to a height of less than 750 m above sea level. Besides being used as a mixture of traditional herbal medicine, the medical plant kunci pepet also often used for traditional cosmetics. There are two stages of growth kunci pepet. The first is called the vegetative phase, growth is normal as usual with artificial leaves and stems. Second, the generative phase. In this phase, which looks just the interest alone
Curable Disease: Rhizome bitter, cool. Efficacious anti-inflammatory, laxative fart (carminative), and accelerate wound healing.
Rhizome contains essential oils pale yellow, slightly smelly, containing borneol, sineol, methyl khavikol, and saponin
the advantage medical plant Kucing Kucingan(Acalypha indica L.)
Medical plant kucing kucingan including Familia euphorbiaceae. are a very common weed found growing wild in the streets, grass, and on the slopes. Herbaceous annuals, erect, 30-50 cm, branched with coarse elongated lines, smooth-haired. Single leaf, long-stemmed, spreading lies. Leaves oval to lanceolate, the tip of a thin, tapered, and the base, serrated edge, 2.5 to 8 cm, 1.5 to 3.5 cm, green. Compound interest, out of the armpit leaves, small, in a series of shaped grains. Fruit square, round, black. Seeds oval, brown. Root riding,
PART USED of this medical plant
All parts of this plant can be used as a drug. in the form of fresh or dried.
This herb is used for treatment:
- Bacillary dysentery, amoebic dysentery, diarrhea,
- Children with low weight (malnutrition),
- Digestive disorders (dispepsi),
- Bleeding, such as nosebleeds (epistaxis), vomiting blood (hematemesis), blood stools (melena), blood urine (hematur-he),
- Malaria, and
- Difficult bowel movements (constipation).
composition of this medical plant:
Leaves, stems, and roots contain saponins and tannins. The trunk also contains flavonoids and its leaves contain essential oils.
the advantage medical plant Kubis(Brassica oleracea var. capitata)
Medical plant Cabbage family has kind of a lot. Commonly planted in Indonesia, among others, cabbage, cabbage flowers, broccoli, cabbage sprouts, cabbage rabbis, and kale. This type of cabbage that are considered wild cabbage Brassica oleracea var. sylvestris, which grows along the Mediterranean coast, the coast of England, Denmark, France, and North West. Wild cabbage that grew there as a biennial plant, and there is also a perennial. Cabbage that has been made into an annual crop cultivated. To get the seeds, sprouts allowed to grow as a biennial plant. These medical plant can be grown in the lowlands and highlands with an average rainfall is 850-900 mm. Leaves round, oval, to oblong, forming a large rosette and thick roots, leaves of various colors, including white (forma alba), green, and red-purple (forma rubra). Initially, waxy leaves that grow straight, leaves grow next corner, which includes young leaves
PART is used is the leaves.
medical plant Cabbage is used for treatment:
- Itching due jamurcandida (candidiasis),
- Fungus on the scalp, hands, and feet
- High blood cholesterol levels,
- Inflammation of the joints (arthritis),
- Protect the body from the radiation beam, such as x-ray beams, computers, microwaves, and color television,
- An antidote to a hangover (hangover), toxins in the liver,
- Removes the complaint PMS (premenstrual syndrome),
- Increase breast milk production,
- Prevent the tumor enlarges,
- Prevent colon and rectum,
- Ulcer (ulcer) in the gastrointestinal tract, and
- Difficult bowel movements (constipation).
Fresh cabbage contains water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, vitamins (A, C, E, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinamide), calcium, and beta carotene. Moreover, it also contains compounds sianohidroksibutena (CHB), sulforafan, and iberin that stimulates the formation of glutathione, an enzyme that works by breaking and dispose of toxic substances circulating in the body. The high content of vitamin C in cabbage can prevent scurvy (scurvy). Presence of anthocyanin substances can cause a color change to red cabbage. The content of active substances, sulforafan and histidine can inhibit tumor growth, prevent colon cancer, and rectum, detoxification harmful chemical compounds, such as cobalt, nickel and copper overload in the body, and increase endurance to fight cancer. In sulfur amino acid content, is also efficacious lowering high cholesterol levels, nerve sedative, and uplifting.
the advantage medical plant Kompri(Symphytum officinale L. Em,)
Medical plant Kompri or (Symphytum officinale L. Em,) for the botanical name a very common in Europe and western Asia, growing in wet soil grassy or gutter edge. In Indonesia kompri commonly grown in pots or in gardens as a medicinal plant. Herbaceous, clump forming, height 20-50 cm. trunked plants. Single leaf, oval, pointed tip and base, flat edge, surface rough-haired, 27-50 cm long, 4.5 to 14 cm wide, pinnate, alternate at the base of midrib forming root rosette grows, the color green. Compound interest, a funnel shape, yellowish white. Round fruit, each fruit consists of 4 seeds. Seeds round, small, hard, and black. Young leaves of this medical plant can be eaten as a vegetable
Curable diseases medical plant: arthritis, rheumatic pain, diarrhea, typhoid, ulcers, breast cancer,; Inflammation of the airways (bronchitis), bruises, boils,; Diabetes (diabetes mellitus), broken bones (fractures); Pressure High blood pressure (hypertension) , rheumatic gout, colitis,; milk swollen breasts, stomach disorders,; cough with phlegm, inflamed tonsils (tonsilis), menstrual blood a lot,:. blood urine, saliva bleed, and bleeding hemorrhoids;
HOW TO USE this medical plant:
20-30 g of fresh root boiled, and drunk. For external use only, finely ground fresh leaves to heal wounds, eczema, and bruises. The roots are mixed with a little finely ground limestone fester to heal wounds, leg ulcers, large ulcers, hemorrhoids, gangrene, gout arthritis, and tumors.
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