Saturday, November 5, 2011

Benefits of Soy plant

Researches made about this medical plant indicate that soy can heal any health related problem.
Description of Soy plant
Soy comes from the latin Glycine max. Properties and benefits of Soy plant
Soy also contains isoflavonoids. Soy prevents the development of cancerous cells in some areas of the body. In osteoporosis, soy maintains the bone density and strengthens the immune system. In healthy diets, soy is a substitute for aliments rich in saturated fats and cholesterol.

Probiotics can be found in some unpasteurized and fermented soy products. Soy eases anxiety symptoms. Because it contains many fibers, soy reduces the apparitional chances of renal or colon cancer. Soy milk
Soy milk can be obtained from soy beans which are kept for many hours in water, after which are crushed and then warmed. Soy milk holds all the plant's properties, plus bringing an important share of vitamins, calcium and vegetal fat.